Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Oh masih ku ingat lagi aku rasa tertipu beberapa hari yang lepas.

Kejadian bermula dengan moto aku yang buat hal plak. On suis je lampu "N" tak menyala. Odo meter pulak dah genap 30, 000km. "Hm alang2 nak tukar minyak hitam ni baik aku tukar bateri terus".

Bergegas la aku ke kedai petang tu jugak lepas kelas. Sampai-sampai kedai terus jumpa tokey, "Tokey bagi Motul 3100 satu dengan bateri moto satu".

Beberapa minit kemudian lepas pomen siap buat moto aku, dia panggil. "Mung nye bateghi nih bole paka lagi nih. Fiuh hok nih yang ghosok", kata pomen sambil menunjukkan fius yang disyaki menyebabkan bateri moto aku tak berfungsi.

OHHH aku pun tak terkata. Tu lah sombong, tak tahu tapi konon nak buat-buat tahu. Kan dah kena tipu. Pomen tu pun satu bukan nak bagitahu awal2. Ceh padahal salah sendiri tak nak mengaku. Dah la pomen tu cakap kalau tak pakai yang lama ni nanti rugi sbb bateri mati oleh kerana x di gunakan lagi.

Maka terbang la Rm45 aku sbb beli bateru padahal bateri lama masih elok.

Rasa mcm nak buang je jambu dekat "TERUNA JAMBU" ni nak buat baling kat pomen tu -.-

Monday, April 4, 2011


Wah masuk hari ni dah 2 scene cter arab aku blakon, entah pape je. Berlakon bagai nak gila tapi result yang dapat ada la dalam 5 minit, ustzah nak 30 minit. Macam mana ni.. Kisah keluarga di mana seorang adik aka mat rempitr usha kakak ipar, jiran skodeng, repot kat abang lalu abang tampar bini dia sbb curang. Adik rempit pun eksiden. Ada idea nak panjang kan?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Announcment kata pendaftaran dibuka dari 20/3 - 2/4. Tapi cek 12 pagi masa 20 haribulan tak boleh pun. Kepala hot kau la admin student portal. Beriya-iya aku tunggu. Pungguk tunggu bulan pun tak macam ni aku rasa.

Tunggu punya tunggu, akhirnya... 21/3Masa tu aku dalam kelas sociolinguistic 2-4 pm.

1 misscalled dari superman. Aku telefon dia balik.

"Ha kau nak apa?"
"Koku dah boleh daftar ni. Kau nak ambik apa?"

Memang cisscake betul la unisza ni.

"Aku nak ambik bola tampar wei. Daftar cepat-cepat tau?"

Superman pun tolong daftarkan aku punya kursus koku.
Akhirnya, 1st koku aku, volleyball. Moga dapat main untuk MASUM cewaahh.

Ingat nak ambik catering tapi xde la pulak.

p/s: Raf, akak kau amik alat muzik moden tau x? dia tau main ke?

Friday, March 11, 2011


Akhirnya sempat jugak aku menyiapkan entri baru kali ni. Konon la dah aktif kan, padahal still malas lagi.

HEHEHE.. benda ni tak ramai yang tahu sangat pasal aku pun bukan jenis yang sambut hari jadi aku.
Tapi yelah kan, masih ada insan2 yang tersayang yang masih perasan akan ketibaan hari yang x berapa nak penting ni. Apa-apa pun, aku ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada yang ingat pada hari jadi aku.
Inilah hadiah hari jadi saya.. :3

Dan inilah orang yang ingat dan meraikan hari jadi aku yang ke-20
Tak tinggal juga orang2 yang terlibat dalam menghantar ucapan hari jadi buat diriku yang lemah dan hina ini.

Ibu : Salam. Slmt Hari Lahir. Ibu doakan Hadi pjg umur, mrh rezeki n smoga hidup Hadi stiasa diberkati Allah. Amin….. (Aminn love u mom! :-*) ini mesti lah yang first kann hehe..

Syukrina UniSZA : Happy birthday.!! May all ur wishes come true J

Hakim UiTM : Hadi..,! Hepy bday bro..mga pnjg umo n mrah rzeki.. (sorry aku x reply msg ko bro)

Faiz SBPIS : Selamat Hari Lahir hadi…semoga ko bahagia di samping family tersyg…ucapan jauh dr Alberta J jgn bls msg ni ea..mhl…kalo  nk reply, reply kt no celcom ak.. (dr Canada tu beb!!)

Ernie UiTM : Happy Birthday! May all dreams n wishes c0me true! Sm0ga panjang umur dn dimurahkan rezeki. Insyaallah.. ;-) P/s: Tua dh mr MHS (hahah tua sudah..thanks!)

Aiman SBPIS : (wish kt im facebook. Aku pun dah lupa apa ko wish hehe sorry)

Kidol SBPIS : Bes0l…Selamat tua… (yeah selamat2)

Najihah (sis in law :P) : W0ot w0ot. Eheh. Epy bufday ! Eh2, suda tua l0l. Btw, may g0d bless u. Ay0y0. Ayt msti sme kal0 wish bufday. Ahaha. (kemain hepi lag eh u? hehe)

AM uitm : Epy b’day. (cam siot je wish gitu, nsib ko tgh kje so salute gila la sempat wish aku heheh)

Ni pulak kawan2 yang wish aku dekat facebook:

Nik Nur Aisyah: HB ! :)

Fitriyah Nurul Aliah : happy birthday!! (merajuk la plak junior aku ni hehe..ap2 pun thanks)

Faiza Mohamad Siful: tade donuts laaa this year. sorry! btw, happybirthdaytoyou! :) (bosan la kau takde. Takde orang aku nak usik L )

Sarah Nabila: Happy Birthday hadi! (thanks kecik!)

Aizat Yasin: happy birthday brother. may god bless you, have a fricking cool life there. :) (pergh budak ban pun ingat birthday aku hehe)

Nur Nadzirah Noh: Happy birthday hadi, may our friendship will long lasting ever. :)
p/s : jgn sombong2 dgn ak...-.- (mana ada aku sombong nad..thanks hehe)

Fatim Azzahra Hamsa: happy b'day ;)[ini lagi tak boleh nok tehe, tah mane dia menghilang kat facebook tup2 wish aku hehe tenkiu3)

Ruzaini Aziz: hepi besday der...same cm awek aku.. (tenkiu jenny, jgn jeles2 ngn moto aku, nnt aku ajr cmne nk make up eh? Hehe)

Ainul Athirah: happy 20th birthday syg!:) God bless u and may our relationship meets a happy
p/s i love you :)  (I love u too dear )

Sebenarnya, aku x suka sangat sambut hari jadi ni kenapa? Sebab setiap tahun berganjak, maka semakin dekat kita dengan sakaratulmaut.. aku ni dosa tah berapa lori pun aku tak tahu, moga2 usaha untuk bertaubat tu akan bertambah pada tahun ni dan amal ku ditambah dengan usaha yang gigih di samping menyiapkan assignment yang mendatang…
Lastly, a special thanks to the people who have made my day become very special on 9th march 2011. I hope that I can celebrate your birthday as great as all of you did on my birthday. J

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Seriously i was not hoping to type for a new post again because i was to busy ( bz la sgt kn :-P ) or actually we can call it LAZY. However, my mind suddenly made a dracula drastic change because of the comment of one of my senior last afternoon! It started like this, my friend and i (park lee, habil, azri) are on our way to the cafe to have our lunch. However before that we have made a pit stop at the atm machine to kick the machine so that our money can came out from the machine (ini pun nak cerita ke?). A few minutes after that when we nearly reach the cafe, we met with Syafiq, our senior with his wife to be ( kakak model baju formal sorry xtau nme ) walking together to the atm machine. As usual we a good junior must say hi to their seniors (poyo lebih) shake hands, bla bla bla... SUDDENLY! (jeng jeng jeng this is the main point) the kakak asked us, "hey spe HADI SYAFIQ? cntik blog eh?" and i was like...WHAT THE FISH? aku tegur pun x pernah, tup2 dia pnah bace blog aku? Waahh ini sudah bagus... and that is why you can see here.. yes i made a new post to this blog.. TERUNA JAMBU. 

Okay now for the additional story, (ceh semangat lebih la pulak kan) our hostel's (khansa') electricity supply had been cut off from 11.00 a.m untill 8.30 p.m if I'm not mistaken. I don't know why this accident happened. I was waiting for my laptop to switch on an then "PUFF" the current stop. Haih we were so bored that we have made a decision to go to the Giant supermarket with no purpose: just to spend time at a place which has electricity supply. We played arcades games, (park lee scored a 2nd place in punching machine for his 88kg punch while mine was 66kg highest -.-'' ) screaming like hell in the VIP's karaoke room, and eating KFC together (aww so sweettt :3  )

We stopped by at the Tok Jembal's beach for a while to enjoy the scenery there and of course snapped pictures. Obviously seen there that Park lee, Habil and Azri were happy playing at the beach. We reach our campus at 7.00 p.m and go back to our hostel after having a chit chat with our friends at the cafe.

It is better for me to stop now since i haven't sleep yet because of the reading assignment that is still not done yet grrrr... The clock already show the time : 6.22 am and i have to go to sleep now for next class at 9.00 am hopefully i'll not be late for it...bye everyone!!

Yg Ikhlas
TERUNA JAMBU (aku tak jambu pun act)

p/s: berita terkini jiran AZRI dh tambah 1 lagi alarm bagi mengejutkan dirinya yang x boleh nak bangun pagi itu dengan ost Oggy and the Cockroach di samping bunyi TROMPET.. huhhh gila punya olang

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


That is what we are doing yesterday, today and tomorrow
doesn't matter in what side,
whether from education, religion until managing ourselves,
we always delay things until the due date is tomorrow,
then we will start to do the work.
the implication?
our assignments will not be perfect
ourselves will not be neat and tidy
always sleepy in class
cuz the sleep time was used to finish the work
and then it will be like this

so frenz...
lets not delay our work..
so that there will be no problem for us
if a sudden change happen to us ;)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


dalam dunia ni ada macam-macam jenis kawan...
ada yang baik, jujur, cakna...
dan tak kurang juga ada yang evil...
who always make jokes among their friends...
few hours ago,1 of my friend was prank by the other friends..
the situation here is really bad.. 
but he still didn't know what is going on..
but i have one advice here..
don't easily give something to anyone who you've just met or know..
cause the bad thing will happen if he/she is not the real person HAHAHA
remember ok?
hm...other than that..
just want to inform u that my university just finished our 
aidilfitri celebration for 2 days...
and i sang a song last morning!!
"dari jauh ju pohon maaf" with my friend qaim.. :p
im sure najib will love to see that.. hehe
forgot to take picture lah hehe
n for najib too, azizi jambu dorm 3 tu,
who was our senior is also studying in my university but in town campuslah
i think thats all that i want to story here..

p/s: bangs, aku hot kot nyanyi lagu raye..add org tu ckp hehe